My Salvation Story

How by grace, I came to know God, and how you can, too

Hannah To ✨ | Lifelong Learner
10 min readMar 2, 2022
Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

How I Came to Know God

I grew up in a Christian home so I always knew about God. I went to church every Sunday, attended Bible study, and went to youth camps — but I didn’t really know God in the way the Bible or other Christians described Him until my teenage years.

The first time I really felt His presence was when I went through a painful break-up in high school. I was so crushed on an existential level that I remember praying to God to ask for comfort and peace in search of something to pin my hopes on. That was when I felt that He was personal to me for the first time.

The second major encounter I had with Him was in college. I went through depression and anxiety out of resentment for my parents. I would cry out to Him every night. If I didn’t have the hope of eternity, I might have taken my own life then.

One night, I stumbled upon Solomon’s story and felt like earnestly praying for wisdom. I knew I couldn’t control people and situations, so I wanted God to work in my heart instead so that I can see the way He sees and trust in His plans for me. I wanted to live with joy despite being in pain.

Looking back, my problems sound so petty but I felt the weight of the world on my…



Hannah To ✨ | Lifelong Learner

Entrepreneur, creative educator, and global volunteer. Helping lifelong learners think better, work smart, and live with purpose.